The super end of year promotion weekend class for 2020 (saturdays only) @ a cool fee. take advantage and you wont regret learning a skill to make extra income. a practical intensive one on one class in all cctv/solar power off-grid installation. meet experts with over 15 years experience in ict, electricals, electronics,etc. nb: full practicals only. module:...
450,00 GH¢
il y a 3 ansInformatique, Multimédia611 personnes consultées
Are you looking for ID Card Holder for your staffs, students,workshop or program. We have in stock nice, durable and quality plastic ID Card Holder for sale. We have different colours. Interested person should call for more info.
3,00 GH¢
il y a 3 ansObjets divers1430 personnes consultées
Affordable piano lessons for kids and adults within three months. Course includes sight reading , chord progressions , scale , voice coaching & many more.
500,00 GH¢
il y a 4 ansCours de musique, danse et théâtre706 personnes consultées